Not to put it too bluntly*, I think imposing fixed commission rates and a rigid hierarchical educational system in an online forum composed of voluntary participants is blatantly and manifestly a bad idea. Most of us come here to do something we love, to share thoughts, ideas and works with other people who share our interest. The community works well, the discussion is head and shoulders above most other internet fora I've frequented, people are polite and helpful. I see utterly no need to introduce a bureaucratic nightmare of judging and adjudicating something that is a hobby for us all. I've got enough of all that in my daily life and my job, and if the CG turned that way, I would want no part of it at all.

Basically: I think the CG works great as it is and I don't see much need to tinker with it and make things more complicated.

As to adding another visual option to the CG, chat options or more table options, well, that's a topic for more programming minded individuals than me.

*that means I'm going to put it very bluntly indeed.