Awesome, thanks for the knowledge! I am planning on running an Eberron conversion of Madness at Gardmore Abbey in about 2-3 weeks, and i'd like to add a few maps for some of the RP situations like Lord Padriag's Audience Hall and MAYBE if i can do half of what you have going on in the maps, remake all the separate encounters of the two dungeons into combined maps (since it's hosted VT, I am not concerned with map size/printing problems). I've done some DECENT work in the past, but i want to "own" the maps i create (in case i have a Pen and paper campaign again one day) and roll20 has no export feature. ANYWAYS - to the questions. Do you use a graphics tablet in conjunction with GIMP? in retrospect, after learning the ins and out of GIMP, would you still have gone that route? or would you have picked another software like photoshop or CC3? For the all the items and such inside your maps, is there a free repository that you grabbed from, or are they all self created? Did you have any formal schooling before hopping into GIMP or is it something a moderately computer proficient person can hop into provided they clock in the man hours to learn it? Thanks again!