I have been thinking a bit more whilst at work... what do you think about having a scratch page per major topic - like a tile region - where anyone can throw in loose data, facts and snippets onto the page which has no structure or narrative and then the editors can cut and paste or form text based on all of that data. When some of that scratch data makes it into proper formatted text then the editor can delete it from the scratch area. Like a fact purgatory. In that way the main page does not get edited quite so much and by so many different people giving it a more consistent feel. I don't think that there would be as much overlap of work or toe treading.

I was also going to comment in the same way that Arcana has about the discussion tab and that might be the best way to deal with required factual, continuity or basic changes derived or fed back from the main page.

There was another minor point in that somebody was making a page of pages. WikiMedia will do that for you with the special pages on the left menu. Theres lots in there about orphaned pages, uncategorized stuff etc so again, less need to duplicate work when unnecessary. A better way to do that index is through the use of categories too - they are particularly useful since you can have multiple indexes based on different criteria. One obvious category would be Ansium or whatever we decide upon. Then I would expect each tile area to have its own category too. Pages can have multiple categories so the Lesser Wyvern might be in Ansium, Thrub, and Monsters all at the same time.