That sounds good. I have my little hafton shire with a halfling village ready for that but I figured that my rock is Karst limestone and that Dwarves would consider that too soft. I was gonna have a dwarf heading up the mines on Fentor but he does it because hes in charge - like punching above his weight cos hes not as good a miner as the best of the other dwarves. He could have been exiled or something from your group. Could have a grudge...

I left the bottom part of my map a bit clear as I didn't know what you wanted to do with your area. Centaurs would be perfect as usually they are at odds with humans considering themselves aloof and one of the older and more enlightened races. The centaurs would prove a much harder opponent than lizard men I think and would drive the humans up into the hills. I didnt think that my area would be all that full of horses so they would probably be imported from more planar areas and running them over craggy ground is not that sensible anyway. So I also doubt that centaurs would go up into the hills. So a good kind of standoff there. I think that would make my high forts of Karstview and Pludery Point the last outposts onto a sort of no mans land where if you want to go out into that area, be prepared to fight Centaur and lots of 'em.

Thats also excellent for my general prep that now the only route into Groam is via the Monkton Monastary and into Clercions unnamed town on the shores of Lake Awaur and down south from there.