For me I look at the world building as follows:

Let's look at the World of Greyhawk.

Anna is doing a wonderful job of mapping the world, but here's the rub. SHE ISN'T MAKING IT ALL UP! Its all been done before. The biggest example I have of this is as follows:

The maps of the Duchy of Urnst that Anna did up appear to based of the CC2 maps of the Duchy of Urnst that I map, which in turn were made off maps of the duchy made by someone else, based on WOTC/TSR maps of the Duchy from various products. For me the biggest clue that Anna's Map was based off my map was the inclussion of the community of Thallin (East of Leukish). Thallin was a community I invented when I wrote a Year One adventure for the Duchy.

At the same time, the maps of the Duchy cover's a large area

Now, with that said, I don;t worry about the area's being too big. Wasn't too big for us as the Duchy of Urnst, so shouldn't be too big here.

And as to collaborative. Collaborative is great. The things I did with Thallin, Leukish and later flooding the lower city of Seltaren was food for thought for future writers/adventurers. The Doings of the followers of Syrul and their plans for the duchy was seeds in the thoughts of others and the schemes of the syrulites I only glimpsed in Thallin and later Leukish spread across the entire western portion of the Nyr Dyv. Fun Times.

Further, other schemes, and goings on in my adventure where further fueled by adventures written by other authors details the fell machinations of House Terranor, and their demonic scions. Fun fun!

So, do I like collobrative? Hell Yeah!

I envision the path maes as not neccessarily dealing with physical travel but rather mental/spiritual, so it will be interesting to see what happens with them.