Click image for larger version. 

Name:	basic_terrain9.png 
Views:	237 
Size:	692.7 KB 
ID:	46762 Switched from perspective to orthographic camera

camera {orthographic location <-.5,1,0> look_at <0,-.1,0> angle 50}
//camera {location <-.5,.5,0> look_at <0,-.1,0>}
light_source { <-2,7,2> color rgb 1}
light_source { <1,7,3> color rgb .5}
global_settings { ambient_light rgb 1.5 }
background { color rgb 1 }

// Forrest and Mountain
#declare T_Terrain01 =
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[.00 color rgb<.7, .7, .5>]
[.40 color rgb<0, .2, 0>]
[.58 color rgb<.2, .5, .1>]
[.66 color rgb<.4, .4, .3>]
[.73 color rgb<.3, .2, .6>]
[.80 color rgb<.9, .9, 1>]
[.90 color rgb<1, 1, 1>]
[1.0 color rgb<1, 1, 1>]
finish { ambient 0.225 diffuse 0.75 crand 0.01975 }

// Desert
#declare T_Terrain02 =
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[.00 color rgb<.10, .20, .1>]
[.05 color rgb<.20, .20, .2>]
[.40 color rgb<.50, .50, .6>]
[.60 color rgb<.48, .45, .4>]
[.63 color rgb<.50, .45, .4>]
[.66 color rgb<.60, .55, .5>]
[.70 color rgb<.65, .65, .5>]
[.75 color rgb<.70, .65, .5>]
[.93 color rgb<.3, .0, .0>]
[1.0 color rgb<.10, .20, .1>]
finish { ambient 0.225 diffuse 0.75 crand 0.01975 }

height_field {png "gray_terrain02.png" smooth texture {T_Terrain01}
translate <-.5, .1, -.5> scale <1, .15, 1> rotate <0,0,0>}

height_field {png "gray_terrain03.png" smooth texture {T_Terrain02}
translate <-.5, -.1, -.5> scale <1, .15, 1> rotate <0,0,0>}

plane { y, -1.0 texture {pigment {color rgbt <0,.2,1,.5>}} translate <0,1.03,0>}

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gray_terrain03.png 
Views:	1170 
Size:	234.7 KB 
ID:	46763

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gray_terrain02.png 
Views:	534 
Size:	248.7 KB 
ID:	46764