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Thread: Oh geez, better late than never...

  1. #11
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Whilst we're reminiscing... is NeonKnight a reference to the Judge Dredd group and have you played the board game for that ? It's awesome...
    Last edited by NeonKnight; 05-08-2008 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #12


    apotheon - The best use I get from inkscape is path and text drawing (the tools are MUCH better than GIMP). I pull a flattened rater file into inkscape, draw all the paths (for things like rivers, roads, country lines, and curved text along paths) and either:
    1) save it as svg then import it back into GIMP using te import option from the path menu
    or 2) save just the paths/text/whatever as a transparent png (export bitmap) and load it back into GIMP as a new layer.

    -Rob A>

  3. #13
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Whilst we're reminiscing... is NeonKnight a reference to the Judge Dredd group and have you played the board game for that ? It's awesome...
    *grumble grumble, will I ever learn to stop hitting the edit button and just hit quote, grumble grumble*

    No, its a play on Neon Night's, and a bit of an Hommage to the movie Knight Riders, and finally I had a Super Hero character in a game of GURPS Champions called the Neon Knight who rode a motorcycle and was dressed in Neon Green Techno Armor.
    Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User

    Never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice!

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  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Neurowiz View Post
    @apotheon - the issue with upgrading was that the Ubuntu 6.10 repos have been closed to updates for awhile. And while I can download/configure/make/install, my worry was updating the underlying gtk libraries and other libs. I don't fully grok ldconfig/so's so well, and trying to add the new libs so I could compile/install 2.4.5 was giving me the heebies - I couldn't just uninstall the old libs without uninstalling 3/4s of my other programs. Fortunately, no grue has eaten me or my install, so things seem to be going OK with the update- although I still wonder if the old libs are coexisting OK with the new. I'm happy with the stability of 6.10, so I've not upgraded the base OS in awhile.
    Ah, I hadn't realized 6.10's software archives were already "frozen". Under the circumstances, it looks like what you're doing ("if it ain't broke, don't fix it") is the most reasonable course of action. I'm sure your version of the GIMP will serve you well, anyway -- the major tools are there.

    For upgrading my own system to a new OS version, I think I'm going to start by using an unformatted section of the hard drive to install the new version, so that I can "dual-boot" between different versions of the same OS (FreeBSD), then gradually migrate stuff across. Because I have my home directory on a separate slice (what Linux people would call a partition, though "partition" has a slightly different meaning in the BSD Unix world), I can just mount it within the filesystem for the newer install and get most of my stuff into the new system without any issues. That's one of the benefits of using OSes (like various Linux distros and BSD Unix systems) that organize their filesystems like this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neurowiz View Post
    I haven't looked at Pathfinder, I'm still trying to catch up to how complex 3.0/3.5 is. That's why I love microlite20 - you can use the SRD and the stuff in it, but you're not involved in the complexity. I'm curious to see what happens with 4.x.
    I'm personally not much of a fan of what I've seen for 4.x so far, including the new licensing (they're ditching the OGL for some newfangled thing that is more restrictive, and requires a publisher to forever forsake the OGL if they want to publish 4th Edition materials). That's one of the reasons I like Pathfinder. Another is that Pathfinder is actually solving some of the issues I've had with 3.x in the past -- it really does seem to be an improvement, rather than a replacement with some new issues of its own (like 4.x looks to be).

    Pathfinder is intended to be backward-compatible with D&D 3.x, so it can be used without any real difficulty. Some things are actually simplified (no more addition and division necessary to determine maximum ranks for skills, for instance) -- and it's being offered as a free download in Alpha and Beta testing stages until they decide to release the final product, so it doesn't cost anything to get involved.

    Hm. I'll stop talking about that now, and let the discussion get back to cartography. Pathfinder just excites me about fantasy RPGs in a way that nothing else has since 2nd Edition AD&D came out.

    So . . . where did this tree tutorial thing end up? I haven't seen it yet.

  5. #15
    Guild Member Chgowiz's Avatar
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    @NeonKnight - Oh yea... I remember using those darn things until I could afford to bike my young teen rear up to the game store and actually buy the dice. Man, those were the days of fear and almost like opening a book and reading arcane lore that just fired the imagination. Heck, I might wax poetic, get the tissues out...

    And thanks.

    @RobA - man, is there anything you know how to do that doesn't sound cool? I just learned Quick Masks and thought I was the coolest... talk about deflation LOL

    @apothesis - they still do security updates, but Ubuntu is on a 6 month release cycle - so once the new version comes out, the older repos either get backports, community contributions or security, but the majority of stuff is locked.

    I did update my GIMP to 2.4 - some really cool stuff in there. Except for that and maybe Firefox 3 or updates to the Thunderbird, I've not done too much mucking around with the guts and libraries. I like stable for my home system. I leave the bleeding edge for my VMs on my work machine. GIMP definitely has some cool new tools to play with. I'm starting to wonder about that cheap $40 tablet I saw on craigslist...

    The tree thing.. it's here. It's more of a 'if you struggle like I do with trees, here's how I'm making myself happy now.'.

    (and it sounds like exactly how I feel about microlite20... something to get excited about ... erm... gaming related. Heh.)


  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Neurowiz View Post
    @RobA - man, is there anything you know how to do that doesn't sound cool? I just learned Quick Masks and thought I was the coolest... talk about deflation LOL
    Don't sweat it... I've been working the GIMP/Inkscape workflow a while now and have learned by trial and error, mainly.

    And don't sell yourself short on quickmasks. Lots of people have no idea of the power in that innocuous little red box icon

    Xeviat (if you see this): Quickmasks are a third way to easily create a variable blur... Way more control than just feathering a selection...

    -Rob A>

  7. #17
    Guild Member Chgowiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
    Xeviat (if you see this): Quickmasks are a third way to easily create a variable blur... Way more control than just feathering a selection...

    -Rob A>
    Is that because you can 'paint' in the quickmask?

    Man, if I had know about this, those dungeon maps would been a lot easier. *sigh* Live and learn.

    Oh, and I found an old RS232/serial Intuos(?) 6x8 for $40. Craigslist. Dude, I owe you some serious beer now. Coming to Chicago anytime soon to collect?


  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Neurowiz View Post
    Is that because you can 'paint' in the quickmask?

    Man, if I had know about this, those dungeon maps would been a lot easier. *sigh* Live and learn.

    Oh, and I found an old RS232/serial Intuos(?) 6x8 for $40. Craigslist. Dude, I owe you some serious beer now. Coming to Chicago anytime soon to collect?

    Yep. Quickmask turns the selection (effectively) into a 8 bit greyscale image. Pretty much anything you can to to a greyscale image (paint, smudge, erase, filters, etc.) you can do to the selection via quickmask.

    Chicago, eh? I'll be in Albany next week. Guess that is the wrong direction from here

    -Rob A>

  9. #19


    By the way, RobA . . . I'll probably be revisiting your comments here as soon as I get around to playing with Inkscape for cartography purposes.

  10. #20

    Post Chicago, eh?

    Belated hello to your belated intro!

    You're from Chicago, eh? I'm about 90 miles southwest of you, in Ottawa. You're about the closest member to where I'm at, yet.

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