@ravells - Yea, babbling unfortunately. I looked at my tree pattern thing and said "Man, I am *such* a dork - everyone probably knows this and I posted the equivalent of how to breathe... " but I'm in awe of everyone's ability on here. Figured the best way to learn is jump in.

@neonknight - Your avatar. Have it, I must. I think I'll scan in something from the old blue book box set that I just bought from ebay...

Oh, both good suggestions. I *think* I managed to update my Ubuntu with an older enough GTK so that it doesn't break old Ubuntu but it supports 2.4.5 - I have it now running. Man, the brush scaling is a killer and I love the jitter and the support of PS brushes. Now I have to relearn selections...

That's a good idea about the tablets. Thanks!