
I'm probably going to get all sorts of flak for this but.... Isn't a SIDE ON MAP a 2D map? Perhaps my interpretation is wrong, but I thought from the way the challenge was worded that the map had to be a 2D one... A 3D map isn't really a side on map is it, it had three dimensions and the map that one the challenge was also drawn at an angle slightly above the prison. I don't mean to take anything away from the winner, it was a good map and well made, it was voted on and won, so fair play. It's just if I had entered this challenge and drawn a 2D map and a 3D map that had been drawn from an angle slightly above the prison, I personally would have been a little annoyed. So in the future could the challenge be a little more descriptive in terms of which maps are and are not acceptable?

Been on here a few months and have been eagerly awaiting the July challenge, only to see the winner's post on the home page in September! Now I finally realise it's on the forum... Doh! Stupid moi! Won't be taking part in September's challenge as it doesn't float my boat, but am keen on seeing what the next challenge will be Well done to all who bother to to take part, this is a very creative and inspiring website for creative and inspiring people - WELL DONE!