Hi Simon, yes its an improvement, though I would have de-saturated the map a LOT more (desks are still way too reddish and bush too green/red; grass is looking better though). The colours still clash to my eyes. One thing to consider is your purplish floor tiles. Purple+Blue/green=brown. Please note that I have very odd views on colour and that you should ignore all this advice completely.

Also you have two types of water on your map: the nice clear blue water, now flooded by the yucky green water. This is a bit confusing - I recommend removing the nice clean water completely from the flooded map.

Getting rid of the column pixelation improves the map - well done. Also the ripples are pretty good, but I have an idea for you water. Rather than using a block shade to represent your water, why not use a 50% opacity water image. To do this, do as follows (based on you using GIMP, as you note in your profile):
1) google images 'water texture'. This gives you a LOT of options. Pick one (or if you prefer pick 2 and overlay them). For example, this one http://th08.deviantart.net/fs11/PRE/...e_by_Jshei.jpg or this one http://www.soultravelmultimedia.com/...er-Texture.jpg are similar to your orginal greenish dirty water.
2) Go to the largest version of that image and then either right-click and 'save as .png/.jpg' to your desktop and then bring it into your temple map, or else 'copy image' then paste it into your map.
3) Scale the water image/rotate the water image until it covers the temple - note don't worry about using this as a 'texture'. Reduce opacity to c. 50% or whatever. Do NOT delete the bits you don't want yet.
4) Find your existing water layer. Place this new water layer directly below it. Don't delete your old water layer yet.
5) Add layer mask to water layer. Make this BLACK.
6) Select your old water layer and ALPHA TO SELECTION, then select the new layer mask of the new water layer and FILL WITH WHITE. Now you can delete your old water layer.
7) Run a GAUSSIAN BLUR (Filters menu) at c. 100 pixels on the black and white layer MASK (not the image of the water!)
Adjust opacity and decide how it looks. At this point you can delete the water image and replace with another ones, to try a bunch out. Also use the HUE/SATURATION option to play with the colour.