This is the shot I've had at making the cliff--I realize that it's not so great, and that's why I'm here begging for mercy (er, help). I hope it illustrates what I'm after.

I'm just linking to the image, because I find that easiest .

Hopefully that will illustrate what I'm after. I need the cliff to be a better perspective (which I'm really not achieving with that drawing) and I need the waterfall. The problem is this: scale. The cliff is meant to be over 300' tall and the river is supposed to be deep and rapid, and quite wide. The area is densely forested and rocky, and there is not real path. Overall, this is a nasty place for an encounter, but I've chosen it because I find it interesting and precisely because it provides so much potential for an interesting situation.

The cliffs really should run off more than a mile in either direction, which means that if I get an appropriately tiling image, I can create one in MapTool. I've tried creating one in GIMP, but the truth is that I stink with the GIMP. I'd like to get better, but I need help to do that.

Thank you.

Now the wallshots are here:

with the tile I'm using here:

And the lower level, which is the one I currently hate the most, and the walls that I really want to replace:

The background tile for this one is actually a set of tiles--available here in a zip--and are achieved by mirroring in both directions.

Some consistency between upper and lower walls would be nice, but mostly I'm really just concerned in making the entire setup work.
Thanks again.