Looking really nice.

Now you need to add some nice flame-coloured highlights to the bucket, the door, the barrels of coal, the weaponrack, and the anvils. Make sure only to apply highlights to the edges of each of these features - the edges closest to the forges.

Your existing anvil highlights are the right colour, but a bit small.

The main thing you need to do is to remove your black layer directly over the edges of the objects. Not sure what your set up is, but assuming you have:
1) the black layer over floor and object on its own layer, and 2) the objects mentioned above on their own layer, then this should work:
a) add layer mask (white) to black layer (maybe it already has one? If so that's fine).
b) go to layer with one or more objects and 'alpha to selection' so only the object is selected
c) go to the black layer layer mask, and using the most fuzzy brush quite big, go around the edge of the object in a black colour. This should remove the blackness around the edge of the object with a very sharp edge to the floor and a fuzzy edge to the inside of the object. Perhaps you will need to use the blur tool a bit - just make sure you still have the 'alpha to selection' selected.