Great questions!

Yes it is a fantasy setting sort of Globe theater type of building.

It would be six separate but simple drawings. Right now the maps show the outline of walls, seating areas, etc.

Each of the six maps would show a different section of the theater. The overall size is roughly 150 foot by 300 foot.

They are all interiors of a wooden building with various types of seating or simply open stage area. I am looking for the contrasts and various textures that will make it more interesting than if I just draw a large brown square and call it a stage.

No extra furnishing are required because I want to be able to move the set pieces around on stage, drop sandbags on players (er their characters ) pull curtains closed etc.

I have a fully fleshed out adventure that just needs a bit of eye candy on the screen for the players to get into the mood.


keep firing away on questions