Welcome to the Guild Finis! Very nice Map! As Torstan said, you might consider cleaning up the rivers.

You did a great job on the trees. The hills look very good and convincing. The water texture is spot on, and the transition between normal land and ice/tundra is convincing.

I would not mind seeing the line between deeper water and shallow softened just a bit, but that's not a major thing.

One thing you might want to consider is playing with the mountains. They look to uniform in comparison with the rest of the map contents. One of the things I have played with quite a lot when using RobA's angular gradient maps (as I assume this is what you have done) is to use the smudge tool with a fairly small fuzzy brush on the B/W version, possibly using some burn/dodge also (very lightly) and then smudging that so you can pull some blacks up toward the top and some lights down towards the bottom. This kind of helps rough up the sides of the mountains and makes it more irregular in texture. I would make a copy of the original B/W layer so you can go back if needed, then Bump Map that copy. I usually do a few strokes, select the color copy, and run the bump map filter to preview my work and then cancel and do some more. This is a lot of work, but in my opinion, well worth it. If you want to get an idea of how it looks, look for the "Playing with mountains" thread and check out my later posts.
