Quote Originally Posted by Ghalev View Post
The email said to do this, so I obey.

"Say a little about yourself, your background, and your specific interest in cartography."

Myself: I like maps and stuff. Especially maps, but stuff is cool too.
My Background: [looks around] Living room. Kinda cool. More stuff in it than maps, tho.
My Specific Interest in Cartography: I like maps best when they're ... like pictures of a place, but only it's not a picture, but a sort of thing that tells you where stuff is. That's my favorite. Plus I like to play a wizard.
Hey and stuff Ghalev. Like your cool background and stuff. No way, you like maps that show where stuff is! WAAAY!!! Me too! When you get some time and stuff, be sure to post up some of your maps that show where stuff is here dude! but no stuff please.... we have more than enough stuff posted here already dude. Rock on!
