Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
I have been using the variation on on RobA's Regional map DanChops came up with that uses plasma for a regional map. That is probably not the right scale for your use here though. I think Torq uses GIMP and he has some really nice trees in a recent city map post he did for this months challenge, so check the recent posts and ask a question over there.

If all else fails and you find something in PS that you like, point RobA to it and being the GIMP god that he is, he will figure out a way to do it if given a few days. I know I have see several other PS techniques he has adapted from an original poster in a thread. Not sure if this includes trees, so you would have to spend time searching the threads. Or just wait until someone else replies that knows the answer!


I do use Gimp and those trees are gimp (or photoshop - they also work in gimp now as long as they have .abr extensions) brushes that I downloaded at Deviantart.com. I think the author is "Istar".
