Not having read Mist (or seen the resulting film), I just assumed Torstan was going to give us a map of the array so that others might be able to game out a scenario in which the unpredicted results of these experiments causes tiny tears into extradimensional space, allowing the unspeakable horrors that live beyond our consciousness to slowly leak into our world, which is slowly torn assunder by the unknowable forces at their disposal until, eventually, the entire planet is a ravaged, desiccated husk wherein all of humanity has been consumed by the otherwordly things except those scientists and sundry others still holed up at the CERN facility which, ironically, is the only surviving bastion of life and civilization.

Those last few survivors would be fighting for their lives, struggling to find a way to reverse the flow of extradimensional energy and parasitic intelligence.

I have not played Call of Cthulhu, but it might be best for this game.

I had hoped to include this all in one (maddening) sentence, but, alas, I failed.