I've got a friend who does videography work for Wookiefoot and other hippy bands of the summer concert circuit, who will be shooting and editing a Kickstarter video for me this week - so I can get that out of the way and ready for the Kickstarter. I still need to hear from Gygax magazine regarding when the issue #2 is released so I can finalize the date and get this Kickstarter going.

As an aside Gamer Printshop (my little RPG map printing shop has been getting lots of industry attention of late) with Gygax magazine's print needs last week. Gamerati, the primary marketing firm for the RPG industry is having me create mounted and laminated maps of Frog God Games Razor Coast maps for use at Gencon '13. Actually business has been a bit slow of late, so this sudden attention by major players in the RPG industry is pleasantly strange.