Jacktannery, Wow!! That looks real nice. Would that grass texture and river look that good after printing it out on a 18 inch X 35 inch sheet to play on? Yeah, I would rather have a dirt road than a river. Only thing about that grass is those white floors. Looks good, but I rather not have them. Are those floors just setup by the river? Meaning the rest of the grass will not have it?

Jacktannery, my answer is yes and no to your question "is it just for you or are you going to try and sell it?". At first it is just for me to play a new game idea I am putting together. But I will be putting my game idea on a website, youtube and facebook in hopes people will support it to add value to it. Then maybe this will catch a toy company to work with me to sell this game idea in stores. So in other words, it will be used as a prototype. But it does not mean they will use the image. They might come up with whole different board setup. If they did use it, I would get back to you or who ever help me with it to give you some kind of money for it. In other words, I am up for paying people something for helping me out if this game takes off.

Johs, your printed out grass texture sheet image link below is turning me off on your grass texture. But your grass texture image link above looks a lot better without the square lines over it. Do you think your grass texture and dirt road would look less fuzzy on a 18 inch X 35 inch sheet if we did not have those square lines over it? If so, then maybe your grass texture and dirt road would work.


Now you said this would be a lot of work for changing the grass texture. I fully understand that. What if we use your grass texture and have you place the road 2 inches wide going down the middle of the 18 inch X 35 Inch grass texture image. Then put 4 inches of the same dirt texture at the two far ends of this grass texture image. Would this be a lot of work too? If not, then could you do this for me? I can paypal you some thing for doing it for me. I just said above what I am using it for. I hope you would be ok with that. Here is that BASIC layout image link again of what I want done.


Azelor, I just read your reply. Yes, that is another idea I can look in to. Thanks for the suggestion.
