Time dilation is a factor of the passenger (and therefore the vehicle) experiencing acceleration up into significantly relativistic speeds. That takes an immense amount of energy, and it also exposes the vehicle (and therefore the passenger) to hazards such as a few molecules of dust hitting your ship with the force of a hydrogen bomb. It's really just not the way to go.

Of course, we don't have gravbubbles or warp drives in real life, so the only practical method of space travel we have in the foreseeable future is extreme velocity, so we'd better learn how to deal with it. The Bussard ramjet, while designed as a fuel-gathering system, has the interesting side benefit of removing space dust from your path.

Of course, science is making incredible theoretical leaps, which usually translate into practical technologies. So maybe we will have warp drive ships or wormhole gates or something equally cool. Heck, we have Kirk's communicator now. With apps! Who'd'a thunk that would become a real thing back when we were eating burgers on TV trays in the late 60s and watching Joan Collins get run over by a truck.