Hello there, I'm new here so I thought I'd introduce myself a bit. I'm Drazi and I have an interest in map design. I'm about to move to the middle of nowhere and need a hobby so I've decided to write a fantasy book. I'm a huge fantasy fan and am always referring to the book map when I'm reading. So I need to create a world in which to write. Some additional information: I also enjoy playing video games, especially MMOs and traditional RPGs. I currently play Guild Wars (though I haven't been on much lately) and have all the Cartography titles in that game. I used to play D&D back in High School, but I haven't been able to find a group to game with where I live and there is almost certainly no hope of finding a game where I'm going to be moving (The middle of nowhere).

Well, that's more than enough about me. Hello to you all.
