Hey there, everyone! I'm new (obviously), and I haven't really checked out the forum much, yet... anyway, I should tell you a bit about me.

I've been into making maps since elementary school. When I got bored in class, I'd always grab 8x14 sheets of paper and draw landmasses on them. Real mapmaking and worldbuilding has been a perpetual problem, though, because I get stuck with the details, especially the ones early on. I suppose that's what I'm here for. To learn how to make a world that feels natural, and to get past those sticky parts.

*ahem* The short version: I like mapmaking and worldbuilding, but I don't know how to do it correctly. I'm here to learn how.

So... yeah! Sorry if this is rambly, I tend to do that when I'm tired. Anyway, I look forward to being a part of this community, and hope you don't mind my presence in it. ^.^