Quote Originally Posted by Zachariah View Post
GIMP is fine, though. Just dont like that it creates/uses 4 bars in the windows taskbar.[/SIZE]
Hia Zachariah. Glad to have you here!

There are a couple of options for that issue.

One is a plugin... there is the "deweirdifier plugin" (direct link to a mirror as this is rather old now) also known as the "background window plugin" available at portable apps or sourceforge.

Not sure if the portable one work with a regular Gimp install, however, ymmv...

The second options (and now my preferred option) is to just use gimp in full screen mode (F11). "Oh no, all my tool boxes and things are gone..." never fear, just double-Tab and they all show up, until you select the tool you want, and then then they drop back in behind again. F11 gets you out again. Trust me, once you go full screen you'll never go back

-Rob A>