Quote Originally Posted by Big Thuga View Post
I have recently started to use gimp for map making(which I am new at) and can see from examples on this forum how powerful and useful it can be. Also i have become increasingly interested in digitalized painting, specifically in paintings that look like oil paints were used. What I would like to know is if Gimp can be use like that and if so is there palettes and brushes available for it.

Well, you could use GIMP to mimic an oil painting style. While there are a few palletes and brushes here, you would probably find far more out on the web. Deviant Art has some that many people have posted up(brush wise at least).

As for how to paint with an oil painting style, I would think that putting down a daub of color with the pencil and then using the smudge tool with various rate settings would be the way to go. Now, I am NOT a painter and have never painted with anything manually, much less oil... but my mother is an art teacher, so I have a least seen some oil paintings close up, though it's been years since I was watching while she painted(she tends to use acrylics for her commissions and stuff since they are easier to work with).