Quote Originally Posted by heathan666 View Post
Ok the first map was massive in size but not alot of detail. The second is a dungeon I made and I tried not to over do it and wasn't finished by the time the players ran through the adventure, which was annoying cuz the side I put the most work on they didn't even go into...lol. But anyways tell me what you guys think...I'm still trying to make a map of a mage school for the next adventure I use maptools I've searched but nothing has caught my eye so if you know of one/have one please let me know, otherwise I maybe reduced to scanning in my D&D tiles

PS: if anyone has a good tutorial on this forum for using gimp to make dungeons let me know that's what I used for these 2 maps.
Take a look at RobA's Dungeon script for GIMP I just created the following the other night after playing around with Rob's script and some textures I had rendered out with Genetica Viewer. I started with a base after the script was run, and then created several layers with layer masks to add the textures as the floors in each room.