Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
Did you say you were going to us Blender for this? Or is your knowledge level just not up to snuff there yet?
Actually I dont know at this stage. My thread is titled Dont Panic after Hitchhikers obviously but I have to say I am starting to panic !

I did some tests on blender and I can write out an obj file in perl but it doesnt handle text very well. ViewingDale handles text easily but its 2D. I also looked at POGL which is a perl based OpenGL interface and thats easy to use but... actually ill spare you details... but it looks like its not going to do more than screen sized unless I can figure some more stuff out on it - but that would be a good way of doing it. Then I thought that maybe perl writing image magick instructions would be good like the thumbs script is doing. That could draw all of these stars... I dunno still. Right now I am leaning to Perl generating a big ViewingDale file but with some extra stuff done in blender which I will composite into the scene. What would be ideal is if I can render stuff in blender and also have the transform for its camera to 2D so that I can do stuff in 2D at the same time and the coords would line up. Thats not easy tho.