@bryguy - one more thing...

Scheme scripts are slower and less flexible with their GUI, as python scripts can use the whole python GUI library (WX I think?).

Both scheme and python are cross platform, unlike C that needs to be compiled with different targets to get binaries.

The scheme (script-fu/tiny-fu/tiny-scheme) interpreter exists internal to GIMP, so every user has it. Python can be a pig to install in windows, and 90% of windows gimp users don't bother, so won't use python scripts.

Another thing I didn't mention before is the mathmap plugin. http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/schani/mathmap/

It can be quite powerful and easy for simple, single layer image manipulation. Though with its animation support it can do some pretty neat things, too, like this explosion example.

-Rob A>