I used my 3D glasses and it looked... okay. The blue line is a little too thick and the minor imperfections are throwing off the illusion. But given the medium (MS PAINT! wow) I would still consider it well done, and even though the effect wasn't perfect it was still there and added a nice touch.



1) Improve the 3D illusion. I don't really know how because I've never tried it before, but minor imperfections are causing the "stick out" portions to appear blurry. This may not be possible considering your circumstance and limitations right now.
2) There's a thin line between "simple" and "sparse" that I think you crossed. You need to strike a balance between content and clarity; in this case, flesh out the map a little. It's ultimately why I ranked you low on STYLE.

Overall an above average map! I can't wait to see what you create with proper software!