Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
For hachure-type mountains, create brush that has a thin vertical line. Then you can use the pen tool to draw the mountain shape (draw it through the center of where you want the hachures to go), then select the brush and adjust the settings so that it shows you the set of vertical lines at the spacing you want. Then you can stroke the path you made with the pen tool, and the hachures should appear, following the mountain shape. I'd demonstrate, but my computer and Photoshop are in another state at the moment. I can't remember exactly which settings you'll need to adjust, but play with the brushes window for a while, and you should see what you need.
Thanks for help.

I've already tried some various combinations, it's quite this what I'm looking for, but still not exactly this (next night I'll waste looking for suitable adjustments ) - for this moment, I still need to figure out the good brush proportions (I've tried 1x8px [the best one at this time]; 1x10px; 1x20px; 2x20px & 2x30px [way too long] with adequate Spacing, Angle and Size Jitter) because it's look unrealistic.

Maybe later, after next tries, I'll give You an example of this what I've got.

PS. It's also good to knows that in professional English nomenclature this drawing style is called hachering. I was wondering how to call it, thanks!