I always think of ice gods as being stern, severe, and harsh thus demanding of worship that's more deed or performance based rather than outright fawning, bootlicking, or sacrifice based (as in animal or human sacrifice). I could see some value being placed upon gems and jewels, diamonds and sapphires rather than rubies and emeralds. Steel might be acceptable since it can be used to shape the ice and silver for its color. Of course wolves and bears would be totems or maybe go obscure and use walrus tusks and whale bones. It would almost have to be on a mountain to let the winds howl through and snow drifts to pile up...like an outdoor shrine with statues around some sort of courtyard with a raised dais at one end with an altar/throne on it or something like that (climb the mountain then climb some steps as symbology for climbing the mountain). Maybe have the dais on a cliffside so that the god could survey the world from atop his perch. I could ramble on with this some more but I just thought I'd pop out some brainstorming. Hope it helps ya some