Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
Well... If you work on it for only 2 hours per day, that is only 14 words per minute

-Rob A>
I can't speak for other Non-nanowrimos... but for myself, that would assume that I have 2 hours per day to write. And while I can type at around 70 wpm, generating new content, as opposed to just copying something already written, does take longer.

Currently, I'm able to scrounge somewhere between 0 and 2 hours per week to work on my maps. When I finally finish a decent draft of my current map, most of that time will go toward writing. Looking forward to this, I concede that because of hardware limitations, making any progress on my map requires a minimum of about 45 minutes in continuous free time, whereas I can make progress in writing with shorter spurts of continuous free time (at least, I believe I can) so once I get past the mapping phase, I imagine I'll be more productive in writing.

But... even a generous estimate doesn't leave me enough time to actually complete 50K words in a month.

Someday... I'll have a job that doesn't require me to work extra-long hours, and I won't be going to school at the same time.... someday...