Quote Originally Posted by bartmoss View Post
As for water, incidentally, it may be less common on some worlds than on others, but I kind of have my doubts there'd be solar systems without any water at all. Spaceport codes may indicate accessibility though.
I agree, and I think the MT planet/system gen makes water a common feature of systems. I just meant that I intend to only allow gas giant refueling, rather than water refueling too. This is mostly just to clean up the maps a bit, but also because I like forcing ships to refuel at gas giants rather than in the "safe" water... I also don't want to have starships and water transport be interchangeable as in Trav. Gives the sailors something to do

As for the hexmaps, I guess you end up with a sector map with a system in every hex, each with a different size icon? That would be headache-inducing. I'll have to find the 2300 map somewhere as I've heard nothing but praise.