Rob A: Yeah my laptop has Vista and 3GB of RAM on it. I'll try tweaking the caching and page files and all that. It's fine for maybe an hour or so, then it will just start taking longer and longer to do simple things like moving a selection or changing the blend mode. At that point I have to reboot the computer to get it running good again.

torstan: I blended the colors of the forest better. Taking that dark border off made it flow better.

Volsung: Not exactly sure how I did the road fade thing. I think when I stroked the path with the paintbrush, I had checked on the mimic brush dynamics (or whatever that check box is). I like how it turned out because it pretty closely mimics the areas I felt were going to be low traffic areas anyway.

Karro: I think I figured out the problem with my mountains. I think I put the detail and size up too high on the noise and also mis-tweak the levels later on. Off the top of my head, I think my city symbols and roads are on the same layer.

Other notes: Most of this stuff is pulled from my brain as I'm at work and can't check it. And I'm not entirely sure why Gallend's Torch grass area looks so much brighter than anything else. And I got to change the color for the region names. It looked greenish when I printed it instead of a yellow.

Sea lanes? Tried to do the same method as making roads, but they just kept turning out pink no matter what color I used. Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.

And I will probably just cut the bottom area off a bit. I put a title in the upper left corner, but still trying to figure out how to get a compass rose in there.