I know how you feel, I'm not really a GIMPer myself, however, regarding how looking at it makes your head hurt (I know how you feel) - I know that RobA's "Create a not-so-random Coastline" tutorial for GIMP is one of the best GIMP tutorials for any graphic need, and that tutorial can really give you a head's up on the various tools, menus and techniques using GIMP.

Since GIMP is free, and so is RobA's tutorial, I think it would behoove you to try, at least. You'd be surprised at how "un-head-hurting" it can be! You'll learn so much, you won't even notice how many other buttons and features you haven't tried.

Me, I avoid anything that says "Microsoft" with a wide berth, as a graphic artist, I think Microsoft should stay in the OS and Browser market (X-box too) and avoid the idea they are actually a software developer, which I think they are a poor one for that. Look at Publisher, its one of the worst conceived graphics apps in existence and no professional would ever touch it.

Just my 2 cents!