The snowy castle does look good. I find snow hard work probably because I dont get to see it all that often to know what its supposed to look like.

After some immense digging and google fu I dug up one of Vry's maps. Hes a great artists and has been over here once or twice. Anyway I remember he had a great snow scene so [url=]heres a link[/url to that.

He seems to be able to get snow looking right. So see if you can take some tips from him. He uses Photoshop and has said a map can take weeks so don't think this is a normal standard - this is pretty exceptional.

The other thing is to tell us what it is your after with the castle cliff. I could try to get my terrain prog to gen up some rough cliff with snow on it. Its pretty good at that. In fact most terrain apps seem to be ok with snowscapes but that might again be more to do with the fact that I don't have the familiarity to see the issues in them.

If it comes out ok ill post it.