Quote Originally Posted by crossmlk View Post
Can a map be made in color and then converted to black and while so there would only be one map necessary?
Yes. It is ideal to have a single image source rather than two separate maps; because, if you have two, then any change to one map must be made to the other, doubling the work.

  • If you have a B&W source, coloring layers can be added. Some, but not all, changes to the B&W source will require changes in the color.
  • If you have a color source, you can cleverly create adjustment layers in Photoshop (or some similar proggy) that [1] desaturate the color all the way to grayscale, and then [2] adjust the brightnesses of individual colors (e.g. red often looks too dark when made gray; yellow often looks too light). Changes to the underlying color sourse rarely require changes to the adjustment layers.