Yeah I am thinking maybe the issue is that I am hosting it on 8080 cos I run an internet web server for myself too. Maybe I should host it on 80 like a normal web server so that I can drop the :8080 bit of the url and then maybe everyones firewalls and internet connections wont think its too bizarre.

Hmm odd isnt it. So its not a total loss and seems as though with certain set ups its just fine and with others not so fine. I will have to try and see how I can rough it up a bit and see if I can break it. Looking at the log it seems as though some connections make multiple rapid attempts to connect. I cant be sure what happens from that point. I don't know if I abort the new connections or serve the last one requested.

I reckon it would be great to play in a group but I dont have much time to map let alone GM. Struggling to map anything and do thumbnails at mo... sigh.