Cool map Ascension. I like your rivers and the artistry.
One criticism if I may, well as a terrain head, I'm biased towards depiction of terrain, but you could improve your map by doing some erosion on it.

This is something I tried. I wanted the erosion to flow along the rivers I'd drawn on the map.
Create a selection mask of your hand drawn rivers.
Load terrain in Wilbur.
Load selection mask.
Apply a filter to incise along the river beds.
Run erosion.

Erosion should now pick up on the river beds. Rivers will flow along them. What's more all tributaries running into the rivers will give you lots of extra rivers for free, or just visually knit the terrain together more naturally should you not want to add them on the map. You can save out the rivers texture and use that as a selection mask. Sometimes erosion can alter coastlines too much. But you can save out terrain, separate to the original uneroded terrain, and then combine them with a blending mask in Photoshop or Gimp in such a way that you don't have any erosion creating havoc in your lowlands.You could even combine the river selection with those two mask to get more control over where the erosion goes.

Another approach is to do thing the opposite way round. Get your terrain and run the erosion. That will tell you where the rivers are naturally forming. Draw your major rivers in such away that they connect more naturally with how the land is flowing. Incise the rivers, run the erosion. You can get the best of both worlds of a map the way YOU want it to flow, and all the extra work that erosion can do for you without you spending eons drawing it.
