Thanks so much for the feedback!

Jykke: The font I used for the large labels was Scriptina -- I got it from, I think. I'm really glad you pointed out the mountain issue --- I had actually never thought about that before! I'll have to work on that for my next map.

Karro: It's true, I'm not completely satisfied with the edges. I once made a map on real paper and burnt/extinguished the edges. I was hoping for the same look here, but it didn't completely work out. I tried lay a darker color around the edges to give that impression, but any pointers on shape/coloration for this kind of effect would be much appreciated.

Retrospectively, I wish I had done this in a WIP thread, but unfortunately, I can't mess with this one anymore, since the campaign starts tomorrow and my players already have the map!!

I'll be sure to do a WIP on my next one!

Thanks again!