I run a vB board also and noted that the rep I'm getting here is all grey rep.

What are the rep rules for rep power?

ie: how much rep and / or how many posts do you need before your rep power is 1?

(When your rep power is 0, you can only give out "grey" rep, which in turn doesn't increase the person's rep, and thus doesn't give them the power to give out real rep either).

Also, how does rep power increase?

The defaults for vB are pretty steep, with rep power starting too slow and increasing too quickly, in my experience. On our forums we ended up going with a system where rep power is 0 until you have 10 posts AND 10 rep, and then becomes 1 - but never goes up again. Otherwise you end up with people who have 1000 rep handing out 10 rep at a time.