Hi there, meant to come by and offer some C&C on these. They're looking good - and certainly usable in a game. Are you printing these out, using them in maptool or using them in some other program?

Okay, a few tweaks. I'd suggest that you drop the opacity of the grid way down. It's very dominant right now. I'd also lower the opacity of some of the wall shadows. If you look at the Top Floor map, you'll see that the walls to the right have very soft shadows, whereas the walls on the left have shadows that are almost black. I'd suggest changing the outer walls too - the earth backing suggests an underground room with stone walls backing onto dirt rather than an upstairs. Equally, walls throw shadow on both sides. I'd put some form of outer shadow around that upper floor to emphasise that it's upstairs.

Does the mayor have windows? If so, I'd mark them. Players have a habit of not wanting to go through the front door so you'll need to know where the windows are.

Hope that helps!