A digital image is measured in pixels. When a pixel is printed, it is represented by a dot. Therefore dpi and ppi is the same thing - one in its digital format only (pixels), the other in print (dots).

All graphics are measured interchangeably as dpi or ppi - I've got software that refers to both.

A 200 dpi or ppi image is measured as 200 x 200 dots or pixels. Most software I use only refer to dpi, even when an image is never intended to be printed.

So the issue is semantics. Unless you've got some other specific way to describe 200 pixels = 5 feet, there's only one way for me to make it.

So I do believe I am correct. I am not making it more complicated. The software I refer to mentioning ppi was Micrografx Picture Publisher and it nolonger exists. All other graphics software refer to dpi interchangeably with pixels.

Its a simple question.