Using a map that I found from Dyson's Dodecahedron, I wanted to see what I could do with Google Setchup to make a 2-D Map into a 3-D Model.

So first I started with his original 2D map.


And I saw that he had a number of stairs set into the halls so I calculated that each set of stair was only 5' tall. That meant that (if the ceilings were 10' or so) that I would need to pull the whole map up to 20 feet and then 'push' down each chamber and hall to give it the dimension of depth.


Once I cut in the stairs and added in recessed doors it really started to take shape.


I added some textures to give the depth some contrast (because it's sometimes hard to tell with all the white walls) and decided that for this incarnation the walls were made out of cut stone and the floor was tiled with paving stones.


I left much of the original image on the surface so you could see Dyson's cross-hatching and get a sense of how the 2-D map became the 3-D model.
