September's Monthly Challenge Has been set up for a REVOTE. Because of the previous limitation on the number of entries that could be put in one poll, I omitted entries that should not have been omitted. I apologize to those that were left out. PLEASE VOTE AGAIN based on these new entries, plus we decided since industrygothica was soooo close to the deadline to let him in. His thread can be found here so he won't be in the thumbnails yet.

We will be implementing a system of votes based on the 1/5 the number of entries. So this month we have 30 entries, so you can vote for six (6) maps. The poll is open, so everyone will be able to see the voting. The Guild thanks you for you patronage and votes as well as wishes all of the entrants a hearty GOOD LUCK!
The thumbnail view, courtesy of RedRobes, is located here:

September 08 Thumbnails

This month's Rules & Guidelines:

We have produced a map attached below which could use some improvement (it was drawn by RobA after all). Your challenge is to translate the attached map into your very own style. Change the colours, symbols and text and make this map your own. Make it 3d, or draw it on paper: intricate or simple - it is up to you.

By way of explanation:

The big magenta hexagon is a city
The small magenta hexagons are towns
The greeny yellow smudges are marshes
The bright green smudges are forests
The pointy lines are mountains
The rounded lines are hills
The blue lines are rivers

North is at about 11 o'clock.
Each edge of the map is 100 miles.


We would like voters to vote for the map which has the most individual style in which all the elements of the map work together to form a pleasing whole. As this contest is about individuality, all contestants should list with their map any elements used which were not created by them.