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Thread: Roleplaying in the CWBP.

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  1. #13
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Back from being away for a bit... I have never used Twitter as really I cant see the point of letting people know exactly whether your eating a single patty or double patty whopper and whether you super sized it etc. It all seems like a pointless bit of tech unless your life is brim filled with interesting stuff like some pop star. Still, as far as I can tell you can get your tweets via email, mobile and on a web page and you can also send them with a diverse set of stuff inc mobile devices too. So if your on email then it seems to me (unless I am mistaken) that you can get a twitter account, do nothing with it but sign up for interest in the party log and then all the party updates come through via email. I could email them directly but it allows other lurkers to hitch a ride if they so wish. Its basically solving the broadcast issues for us. If someone doesn't get email at work but does have a mobile then they can be in on it.

    The Wiki is very simple. In fact the CWBP is run off a Wiki and IG is main gate keeper to it. Its like making up a web page but instead of all the finicky html coding, all of that is dispensed with and there are a few much simpler codes to remember, most of which you don't even need. So having a simple character sheet is really simple. You go into the wiki, click on "edit this page", change your HP, Stats, Items being carries or number of arms when one gets lopped off and then hit save page and its all done. A wiki is basically a web page that contains some current information. Its better than a forum because as forum entries get old they fall off the bottom but some information is true no matter how old it is. In those situations you need a wiki.

    For a character sheet I think we should roll up or use some method of getting your 6 basic ability scores. We should discuss a starting location which as you guessed, if I were GMing, would be somewhere in Thrubland. Make everyone human or possibly halfling and start as hardy peasants who get roped into something adventurous. I.e. we can skip all the skills and stuff until a bit into it so we can rough out how were going to do it more than worrying about character abilities and bonuses. Perhaps beginnings would deal with doing something non monstrous in task and bring that in after a short while. Lets start small. I havent GM'ed for ages, I have never done or GM'ed a PBM type game either so its daunting for me too.

    And the office chair... that seems to typify the level of uselessness that Twitter seems to aim for. Its like the guys at MIT or Cornell or something who put a web server in the coke machine so they didnt have to walk down the corridor to see if its out of cans...

    EDIT -- I think Korash has the kind of style id aim for. Very loose and Midgards idea of wordy rather than numeric descriptors is right up my street too. The result needs to read like a book we all made up rather than a wargame journal. Just use some D&D to frame it all so that it balances a bit.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 06-22-2009 at 04:28 PM.

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