ReprojectImage is a program I wrote long ago to get general map projections into the equirectangular/Plate Caree projection. It's the tool that Ralf used in his tutorial to reproject his image to get it into FT and can be found at if you'd like to fiddle with it. It's free to use.

GIMP or any other image manipulation tool will work well for manipulating the images. All I did in Photoshop was up the contrast of the base images and stitch together the two half images.

FT isn't a required part of the activity, it was just convenient way to do the globe projection. There are many other ways to do that part, including Wilbur ( Please note that I am in no way attempting to discourage you from buying a copy of FT.

CC3 doesn't do projections.

I would recommend working on the equirectangular projection if you can because going back and forth between projections causes some pretty significant distortions of the image near the pole.