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Thread: Blandine's Primaterra project

  1. #1

    Wip Blandine's Primaterra project

    This thread is for the development of the maps Blandine commissioned here:

    Since both Ravells and I have agreed to work on the maps, I thought it would be a good idea to have a place where we can communicate so we don't create any conflicts.

    So, here's an image of what I've done so far with the world map. It hasn't received a rubber stamp yet. Ravs, if you need a detail shot of coastline or anything, I can export at whatever resolution you'd like. I'm working in CC3 at the moment.
    Last edited by Midgardsormr; 12-13-2007 at 02:28 PM.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  2. #2


    So then I guess I should attach the pic!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Ah OK I've received an email from Raphael who likes the style I've used in the Absalon maps (see the link in my sig). Might be best (for consistency since I'm not using CC (although I have CC2)) if I did regional maps but I'm open to suggestions! Perhaps Raphael would be happy with two different styles, or we could drop the Absalon map style altogether and use the style that you've used for the continental map (which is looking really nice)?

  5. #5


    Thank you for the compliment.

    I was thinking along the same lines: if you do some regional maps, then I can polish the world map for a little while longer. He hasn't said anything yet about site or city maps. He said the campaign is beginning in the country of Rublo, which is the southern of the two islands off the eastern coast--the purple one. For the sake of easy reference, here's the information he sent me about the features on his rough map:

    Our setting is non-chronological, is neither medieval fantasy nor modern fantasy; it could best be described, if necessary, as "renascentist fantasy" though that is still pretty far from what it gets.

    About the realms on the map:
    (the suggested colors are just in case you wanna give a light colouring to each territory. If you think something comes out ugly, please do whatever you find appropriate; the borders are also to be made much more rougher than the thick curved red lines we had drawn. Actually, we don't have any "official" map, so whatever you draw will become official).

    Ivoire (color = white) is a militaristic empire; those lands are very hot and overally based on Ancient Babylon/Egypt.

    Longinus (color = blue) is also an empire, but now dedicated to peace, lightly orientally influenced and recovering from a large proportions civil war. Its lands are fair and most of the year it looks like it's spring. It is based on Greece.

    Faris (color = golden) is a large republic formed off the union of city-states that recently warred against Ivoire. We tend to compare Brazil to Faris socially, but it's more like a prosperous and much less ethnic/religious India.

    Sangaria (color = gray) is a protetorate formed off Faris that became very rocky and arid with the action of sorcerers. It is supposed to be much more coastal than shown on the map, so, please, make its territory smaller along the coast.

    Cédara (color = light orange) is a merchant republic also formed off Faris. Its lands are wetter. Agustine and Ramona are colonies of it.

    Odenheim (color = red) is a prosperous snowed kingdom that once was a land of knights and now is becoming an industry-ridden land. It's overally based on Germany.

    Rublo (color = light purple) is a socialist newfound republic that got its independence from Odenheim recently. It's overally based on Russia.

    In case you want to draw geological features, here are the translated names for all the indications on the maps:

    Baía do Meteoro = Meteor Bay = a giant meteor struck the land here
    Baía de Velian = Velian Bay = there are many coral barriers and shipwrecks on this bay
    O Planalto de Lorena = Lorena Plateau = ravaged by war
    Costa Escarpada Farisi = Farisi Coast = a rough and high coast
    Ilha da Cerração = Mist Island = the name says all
    Baía de Buriash = Buriash Bay = a very atlantic bay
    O Belvedere Selvagem = The Wild Belvedere = ample canyon region
    Montanhas Altas = High Mountains = those mountains come down until the glass lake
    O Lago de Vidro = The Glass Lake = a reflecting lake with emerging statues
    Os Gêmeos Aesir = The Aesir Twins = two big mountains about the same shape
    Terras Baixas de Glen = Glen Lowlands = wetlands with low vegetation
    Agustine, Ramona, Aislin = Agustine, Ramona, Aislin (these are names for the islands)
    Terras Baixas do Sul = Southern Lowlands = drier lands
    Florestas Aquáticas de Alagos = Alagos Oceanic Woods = woods that come down the coast
    Estreito de Rix = Rix Narrow = a very rocky narrow piece of earth between the two islands
    Cordilheiras de Turim = Turim Mountain Ranges = mountains along the narrow
    Campos Primaveris = Spring Fields = that setting's better not come out in English! hahah

    Now the sites, in case we have icons for them:

    Cidade Sagrada dos Altíssimos is a kind of giant trench on the land with remains from ancient angelic civilizations.
    Pedreiras de Aesir are stone mining complexes along the two giant mountains
    O Poço das Botas is a well where travelers gather and leave their boots for luck
    A Alcova is a temple dedicated to Andarta, spirit of rebellion
    A Torre Secreta is a tower hidden among the canyons where dervishes worship the spirit of dreams
    Falha dos Heróis is a site where a giant minotaur-beast is chained to the ground
    Estação das Gôndolas is a mechanical station where "boats" are lifted and carried to the highlands
    Casa do Sol Nascente is a temple to Carlin, crop spirit
    Labrys, Impatiens, Vervain and Bealeheim are fortresses dedicated to deceased god-spirits
    Os Fiordes means "the fjords" and that's what they are.
    And here's the map he sent:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  6. #6


    I'm not sure I'm going to have the time to do loads of regional maps and city maps etc...

    But I'll do what I can!

    I'll digest this lot and come back to you anon.


  7. #7

    Post :)

    Hello guys! It's very fancy to see this happening! Thanks for starting this thread, Bryan! I am already enjoying that very much! It's a shame all the material we have written about Primaterra is in portuguese language, I'm beginning to think of translating everything but it'd be two years of nonstop work supposing I quit the university

    I already feel like I owe you two a lot of description and scenery works. I will do a lot of that for this weekend and begin working around Bryan's piece. I will now email you both with some points and thoughts.

    A gazillion thanks!

  8. #8


    Hi blandline. If the stuff you have written is on a computer we could try running through an online translator. The results may not be perfect but it will give us a better idea and we can always ask you to clarify.

    I have been through the map and the explanations and have a few questions:

    1. What is the scale of the map? I assume the planet is spherical. How big is it compared to our earth? Are the landmasses shown the only landmasses on the planet? Does left hand side of the map 'curve' to meet the right? Where is the equator?

    2. Can you tell us a bit about the global climate, regional climate and terrain type? It would be helpful if you could make a copy of your map and just draw in pencil which areas are tropical, temperate etc and major terrain features but in particular:
    a. Mountain ranges.
    b. Major Rivers.
    c. Deserts.
    e. Forests.
    f. Farmland.
    g. Ice / glaciers.

    You only need to do the major land features (we can invent the rest) but obviously if there is a small area that you want to represent geographically in a particular way then details would be helpful.

    3. Population Centres: I take it that the circles with the holes in the middle are capitals and the solid circles are towns or cities. Is it important to you that the map reflects the population size of these habitations? If yes, then can we have some detail? You can just put numbers next to each pop centre between 1 - 5 representing small villages to big cities unless you want something more precise.

    4. Country Borders: These are perfect curves or straight lines. Usually borders follow natural boundaries. Are the borders you have drawn suggestions / a rough idea or are they meant to be exactly as drawn?

    Those are my questions for the time being, but I'll post up more as they come to me.

    Midgauardsommer: Would you mind making a large png of the coast outline (landmasses in pure black and everything else in pure white) and emailing it to me please? Ta!



  9. #9

  10. #10


    Sure, if blandline and Mid are happy. Rob if you (or anyone else for that matter) can think of other required data to compose the map, please don't hesitate to pitch in!


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