Well, first, as an amateur archeaologist (it was my Major in University with a preference for New World: Aztec, Olmec, Incan, Mayan, Pueblo etc) it's too.....grey


The temple, even not gleaming, were painted, often with Ochre, and other deep earth shades, with Bright Ornamentation, painted reliefs of the gods, feathered serpents (Kulkulkan/Quetzalcoatl), jaguars, etc

The grey temples we are familiar with, is the modern, weathered temple with no upkeep. The paint has washed off, the temples were usually overgrown and dug back out from the reclaimed jungles.

So, color aside I like the Temple.

Now, normally, I would be averse to 3/4 views for maping purposes, as buildings would be limited to a N/S/E/W orientation, and no variation to that, except for the whole, most MesoAmerican cities did follow that sort of orientation/city planing.


