You may have a point Rav. I enjoy the tutorials because they show me what is possible and teach me some techniques however I do try to be careful not to get sucked into this is the only or best way to do it. I subscribe to the school of if you don't try something different then you will be just like everyone else.

"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." - Thomas A. Edison

It's interesting if you walk into a children's classroom and ask them to draw a flower you will get all sorts of wild and interesting interpretations of a flower....that is until the teacher walks to the chalkboard and says, "This is a flower" and draws a stem with 2 leaves and a bud on the end....from that point on all those children will draw that same flower.

So basically, don't let education limit what you can imagine. Instead, open up and blow the doors off!