I think this is an extremely good battlemap, and if you were a novice before then you certainly aren't now!

The colours and textures are very well chosen and work perfectly here. I totally agree with the reason behind the map (archers and the flexible rooms) and feel that you achieved exactly what you set out to. The map is simple and uncluttered, yet strategically interesting. I really like how the central complex stands out with its sandy-coloured floor. Your trees (trees are notoriously hard to get right) fit in with the rest of the map perfectly.

The only criticism I have (and I had to search for it!) is
1) the doors are hard to spot due to lack of contrast with the walls.
2) there are some errors outside the southeast corners of the some of the rooms of the southwest complex (diagonal white line).
3) I feel the tower mutli-level cutout could be improved - its currently very large compared to the map and actually detracts from the main encounter area. Also its not 100% obvious which structures are being referred to: a fine black line would clarify.